Sunday, August 4, 2019

Neo-Nazis :: essays research papers

Neo-Nazis When three bombs exploded in London in Spring 1999, targeting the capital’s black, Asian and gay communities, the threat of Neo-Nazi terrorism finally seemed to have become a reality. The Neo Nazis who are more commonly know by the term "Skin Heads,† are a growing force in hate groups. The German police put the number of active neo-Nazis at 47,000, a 4.5 per cent increase on the previous year. There hatred of Hispanics, Jews, Blacks, and others are now the fastest growing force in America. The younger kids usually do the Skin Head movement. These kids are drawn to the Aryan Nations and Neo Nazis by the promise of free drugs, free booze, heavy metal music, ultimate freedom, and rebellion. Many of these kids stay because of family troubles at home and, like in a gang, feel like they have a family with the group and feel loved. Racism is a certain kind of prejudice, based on faulty reasoning and inflexible generalizations toward a specific group. The word Prejudice comes from the Latin noun praejudicium, which means a judgment based on previous decisions formed before the facts were known. If a person allows their prejudiced beliefs to block the progress of another, it is discrimination. Those who exclude all members of a race from certain types of employment, housing, political rights, educational opportunities, or a social interactions are guilty of racial discrimination. Race hatred, permitted to gain unlimited power, will be disastrous. The state - sponsored genocide perpetrated by Nazi Germany is an example of what happens when people who hate gain power. Hitler's extermination took the lives of six million human beings for no other reason than they were Jewish. It started in little ways, an ethnic joke, stereotyping that was never challenged, then restrictions, loss of jobs, loss of civil rights, loss of voting rights, and the loss of life. The reason why the Ku Klux Klan is separate from the Neo-Nazis and the Skinheads is because the Ku Klux Klan’s hatred and violence is aimed more towards blacks rather than the Neo- Nazis and the Skinheads, whose hatred is, aimed more towards the Jewish people. The Neo-Nazis, sometimes called White Aryan Resistance, is a group that follows under Adolph Hitler’s philosophies, which targets Jewish people. Unlike the Ku Klux Klan, the Skinheads do not join because they believe in the cause. Many join the "gang† to feel apart of something because they feel that they do not belong anywhere else.

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